Saturday, 14 April 2012

if you always sniff in the morning make sure you got the first kiss of the morning or is it wrong to say: the first  bird always catch the largest worm
Today at lunch time i decided to check  out my friend. it was unfortunately that she was at her cafe so i entered in there. I found one old man giving a joke of his age he said." one day after colonial era we were at a small hotel when a white man entered the hotel and he left his horse outside, some fellows store the horse and when the white man saw his horse wasn't there he came back to the hotel and said. ' a wanna my horse or i do what i did in Texas'. everybody was afraid as he was repeating the same message, so every one was asking what did he did in Texas? may be he boomed there. So they decided to return the horse. after the white man had his horse in control one man bought  him a glass of beer and asked him ' what did you did in Texas my friend?' and the white man looked at every one and said slowly 'They stole my horse and i worked from there to home.' 

Monday, 9 April 2012

a computer as a device that many people in burnt forest can't afford. at the end of the day an old fellow come so that his face could be added to facebook so as he can see. ops he was about to fight us when we told him it is inpossible. he said " Don't see me as a fool here my son's face is in facebook to and I want our faces to see each other. do it or i call police!".